Online Resources

 U.S. Aids to Navigation System (What You Need To Know About the Markers on the Water)
 U.S. Chart No. 1 (Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Paper and Electronic Navigational Charts)
 National Geographic  (Basic Map & GPS Skill)
“A Short Course on Nautical Charts and Basic Plotting for the Recreational Boater” by Gary C. Kessler (Highly Recommended!)

ACA Resources

Education Resources
“Rules of the Road” from the American Canoe Association
Video: Its Your Turn – A Defensive Boating Primer
 Video: Decide To Return – A Strategy for Safe Sea Kayaking
Navigation Presentation  PDF for download

Books on Kayak Navigation

“Sea Kayak Navigation Simplified” by Lee Moyer  [96 pages, about $6 used]
“Simple Kayak  Navigation” by Ray Killen [135 pages, about $9 used]
“Sea Kayak Navigation” by Franco Ferrero [104 pages, about $11 used]
“Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation” by David Burch [ 254 pages, 4th ed. , $16 new]

Favorite Books on Kayaking

“Sea Kayaking Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Better Paddling” by John Robinson [170+ pages, $17 new]
“Sea Kayak: A Manual for Intermediate and Advanced Sea Kayakers” by Gordon Brown [188 pages, $26 new]
“The Complete Sea Kayakers Handbook 2nd ed.” by Shelly Johnson [ 325+ pages, $17 new]