Online Resources
U.S. Aids to Navigation System (What You Need To Know About the Markers on the Water) | | |
U.S. Chart No. 1 (Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Paper and Electronic Navigational Charts) | | |
National Geographic (Basic Map & GPS Skill) | | |
“A Short Course on Nautical Charts and Basic Plotting for the Recreational Boater” by Gary C. Kessler (Highly Recommended!) | | |
ACA Resources |
Education Resources | | |
“Rules of the Road” from the American Canoe Association | | |
Video: Its Your Turn – A Defensive Boating Primer | | |
Video: Decide To Return – A Strategy for Safe Sea Kayaking | | |
Navigation Presentation | PDF for download |
Books on Kayak Navigation |
“Sea Kayak Navigation Simplified” by Lee Moyer [96 pages, about $6 used] | |
“Simple Kayak Navigation” by Ray Killen [135 pages, about $9 used] | |
“Sea Kayak Navigation” by Franco Ferrero [104 pages, about $11 used] | |
“Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation” by David Burch [ 254 pages, 4th ed. , $16 new] | |
Favorite Books on Kayaking |
“Sea Kayaking Illustrated: A Visual Guide to Better Paddling” by John Robinson [170+ pages, $17 new] | |
“Sea Kayak: A Manual for Intermediate and Advanced Sea Kayakers” by Gordon Brown [188 pages, $26 new] | |
“The Complete Sea Kayakers Handbook 2nd ed.” by Shelly Johnson [ 325+ pages, $17 new] |